I appreciate you calling attention to this topic, as it is one I have written about previously. https://dockruse.medium.com/donald-trumps-adhd-pours-cold-water-on-the-goldwater-rule-67b9ec674a85
ADHD, uniquely among our major psychiatric disorders, is officially defined entirely by observable behaviors. As such, we have more valid data in the public domain for Mr. Trump (and some other celebrities) than one could ever obtain from a direct in person evaluation. So the APA's contention that an in person evaluation is gold standard for evaluation is invalid and false. So the Goldwater Rule actually violates the ethical principle of veracity, or truthfulness. Rather than throw out the Goldwater Rule, we need to update it for our contemporary world, adjusting to changes in public attitudes towards perception and acknowledging how our computerized society is collecting a wealth of data that may more accurately diagnose individuals than our current subjective criteria.