I can appreciate that you have a different experience and perspective, but no, I was not setting up a straw man, I was reporting my experience and that of my patients. You may underestimate the impact that a few simple comments may have on a patient, particularly when they contradict or question how a prescription has been written. I can come up with more than a score of patients who were confused, and felt attacked on this very specific Wellbutrin formulation issue.
I wasn't trying to pick on pharmacists, as almost every psychiatrist I have talked to makes the same error on XL/SR formulations, and even drug reps pushing the product were misinformed.
I have good friends who are pharmacists, and others I know casually, but I am not exaggerating when I said that every single one that I have spoken to about the Wellbutrin XL / SR distinction has insisted that the XL delivers drug at a steady rate for 24 hours. That's how the formularies all list it! My sample size may be small, so I certainly can't speak for all pharmacists.
Kudos to you if you were aware of the actual pharmacokinetics of Wellbutrin XL, because you would be the first pharmacist in my direct experience to have that knowledge.