It sounds like you are dealing with a lot. I'd have to do a lot of research to be able to comment intelligently on many of those topics, so it may be a while before I post any article about them.
I can address one simple point, and hopefully reduce some anxiety. Chlorine gas is an effective poison. Chlorine ions are essential to life. The chlorine anion is half of Na+Cl- -- which is salt. Life evolved in seawater and the majority of our body is still essentially salt water. We need those chlorine ions floating around to survive.
Are some chlorinated petrochemicals toxic? Yes. But that does not mean that there is anything intrinsically dangerous or bad about chlorine ions. And even if you swallowed a whole bottle of an antidepressant that is a chloride salt, that would have a negligible impact on the amount of chloride in your body, and the chloride ions would be the least of your body's or brain's biochemical worries at that moment.