
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. My usual starting point for affixing blame regarding poor handling of mental health is with the insurance companies who to a large extent control health care access in America, and are motivated to promote the options that cost them least in the short run, and disregard the long term. So they prefer untrained to highy trained providers and try to limit the time anyone spends with a patient.

However, my limited research indicates that the situation is not substantially different in a number of European countries with national healthcare systems, rather than private insurers, so I think the problem reflects more pervasive emphasis across our whole capitalistic, Western societies to focus on (short term) costs and to devalue mental health care.



John Kruse MD, PhD
John Kruse MD, PhD

Written by John Kruse MD, PhD

Psychiatrist, neuroscientist, gay father of twins, marathon runner, in Hawaii. 200+ ADHD & mental health videos https://www.youtube.com/@DrJohnKruse

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