You seem to be confusing news outlets with propaganda organizations. Successful news organizations go after the truth. They might not uncover them the first time around, but they offer retractions if they did get something wrong. And even if they have biases, the truth is still the goal they are pursuing, because they know that someone else will uncover it if they don't. Which is why in 2016 it was the NYTimes which did the most extensive exposes of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation's dealings.
In contrast, propaganda organizations like Fox are primarily interested in brainwashing. How often do they acknowledge an error? Why do they intentionally blur any distinction between news and opinion? How many reporters have departed their organization in the last two decades with the major complaint of how biased they were?
News organizations are ultimately self-correcting, as with historians and science. Propagandists are trying to create closed systems where they create truth. This is why the propagandists' greatest targets in the last two decades have been real news channels, historians, and scientists.